Forrest Gump Free Stream 1080i(hd) No Sign Up 1994 release Online Now
Star=Sally Field. duration=2 hour 22 Min. Eric Roth. country=USA. Forrest Gump is a movie starring Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, and Gary Sinise. The presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson, the events of Vietnam, Watergate and other historical events unfold through the perspective of an Alabama man with. Directed by=Robert Zemeckis
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If you're like me you hate to think; even worse is thinking about history- so much moral ambiguity, so much perspective and bothersome shades of grey. isn't there a movie out there that can assure me that everything that happened during the latter-half of the twentieth century was Just Fine- all while deafening me with jukebox favorites?
Now you can! Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks proudly present "Forrest Gump" a left-wing work of right-wing propaganda that boldly proclaims the mentally retarded are not just AS GOOD as you and me, but better! And as a result, American Heroes!
Forrest's IQ is charted at seventy, which means he will stay boyishly naive until the script calls for him to suddenly make a profound declaration for the Oscar clip: I'm not a smart man. but I know what love is." Whatchyou talking' bout, Forrest?
This is retro-active re-writing of pop-culture disguised as American history designed to make us all feel better about not understanding the exact details of the Watergate break-in or the black panther party. Forrest floats through life with the gravity- and substance- of a feather, tossing off sickeningly-pointless nothingisms: Life is like a box of chocolates. No, it isn't.
It really, really isn't.
His erstwhile girlfriend goes through every cliché of cultural extremism (flower child, disco burnout, AIDS corpse) to lecture the audience about the dangers of Actually Being Involved In Something! We'll be much better off if we listen to Mama like Forrest and dip our toes in the water only for the sake of a digitally-enhanced photo-opportunity. (Love the way you moved Lennon's lips to set up your clunker of a joke. that took a lot of class! And finally the mystery of who taught Elvis to dance has been solved- it was a crippled simpleton, and not the butler as previously suspected.
But the adventures don't end there: Zemeckis (Greek for arrogant-ignorant) wants us to believe that this Drooling Dandy was an integral part of EVERY significant historical event: Gump meets JFK, carves Mount Rushmore, builds the sun, performs open-heart surgery! Forrest saves a fellow soldier during The War (good) who happens to be black (better) and inherits a shrimping boat (obviously. we meet Gary Sinise's Lieutenant Dan who has the gall to question Gump's ability; for this his legs are blown off and he's doomed to an entire life of pain and suffering. Don't fear the retard. br>
All of Forrest's toothless adventures are washed down with some of the most over-played soundtrack songs of the era, until the Dumb One takes to the road for a series of painful gags, increasing exponentially in stupidity until finally he's left with the motherless son he never wanted nor could possibly raise. (It's the next best thing to Immaculate Conception.) Are we vomiting yet?
Ultimately, Forrest Gump proves that Tom Hanks was so good in "Philadelphia" that we weren't finished giving him Oscars, and the movie's other trophies only go to prove that we're the very lemmings They think we are, preferring glossy bile over thought-provoking quality.
This is "Pop-Culture for Dummies" masquerading as American History and quality film. Will rot your brain like crack-cocaine.
Why does Jenny always looks like Jesus edit she also most likely of sold that medal.
I swear I thought the title was talking about Jenny saying “Run Forest, RUN!” but him saying “I gotta pee” is even better.
This film was an instant classic for me.
They don't write scripts of this calibre any more, which is a shame.
Tom Hanks is brilliant as the mildly retarded Forest Gump. The film takes you by the hand, and shows Gumps life and experiences, both good and bad, in his own words from childhood to adulthood.
At the same time you get a basic look at modern U.S. history.
It is heartwarming and sad, funny and satirical. Cleverly weaves in so many sub plots and ideas.
Yet doesn't use excessive violence or bad language to relate powerful messages in a heartwarming story. A story all the family can watch.
A cracking film you can enjoy over and over again.
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Bubba was such a great friend; offered to share his business with him straight down the middle. What a guy. “Why are you so good to me” “Your my girl” 😭😭😭 that part makes all lovie inside its so cute & pure. My momma always said to immediately click on cinemasins. Just like Jenny told me WTFFFFF. There is a bit of Forest Gump in everyone.
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I really loved the moment when he ran.
Makes me cry every time.
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I just wish that i was close to my great grandpa more. This song is what makes me who I am
Forrest Gump Free streams. Waaaawwwww Tom looks freaking awsome like this I'm in love of this hair jeez waw. Forrest Gump Free stream. After his performance as The Doctor, he deserves to win a lot of Oscars now. Interesting how Michael became a veteran like Forest did. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets his own shrimping boat, or becomes a ping pong expert, or marries his childhood sweetheart, or travels the whole US on foot.
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